Above all, our job as parents is to keep our kids safe and loved. And while loving our little ones is second nature, keeping them safe can take a bit more planning and prep. This part of the job also tends to come with some stress. That’s where this guide comes in! We’ve rounded up some of the best advice you need to keep your kiddos safe, whether at home or on the go. 

Baby Sleep Safety

Did you know newborns spend up to 16 hours of a day snoozing? That’s why it’s so important that they have a safe place to sleep. Tragically, Sudden Unexpected Infant Death (SUID) still claims too many lives each year…and many of these deaths may be preventable by following sleep safety tips.

One of the biggest sleep safety rules to follow is to keep your baby’s sleep space empty (no blankets, no pillows, no loveys). Here’s when babies can sleep with a pillow, and this is when you can let your little one have a blanket.

Car Seat Safety

Before you even bring Baby home, you’ll need to have their car seat installed in your car! Then, as they grow, you’ll need to make sure you’re continuing to follow the best advice for car seat safety. These primers should help:

Childproofing and Home Safety

Your home is your sanctuary…and it should be the ultimate safe-space for your little one to explore as they begin to crawl, stand, walk, and climb. Our ultimate childproofing checklist is the perfect place to start. Then, you’ll want to read up on other ways to baby- and child-proof your home:

Food Safety

Your little one’s immune system is still developing, making your bub extra vulnerable to food-borne illness. That’s why you’ve got to be extra careful when preparing and storing their meals. Here’s what you need to know about food and milk storage:

Choking Prevention and Rescue

Another big eating safety concern for parents is choking. Read up on how to prevent choking. It’s a good idea to brush up on choking rescue, too (though hopefully you’ll never need these tips!). And here’s what to do if your child swallows a foreign object.

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Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider.