10 Surprising Facts About Newborn Babies

With village life in our past and the nuclear family in our present, many of us don’t have much experience with babies. Even if we grew up with younger siblings or earned cash babysitting, we didn’t have the same kind of up-close-and-personal relationship a new parent has with their newborn baby.
Here are 10 fun facts about babies that may surprise you. While some of these newborn realities may come as a shock, there’s no need to be alarmed!
1. Babies are born with red swollen labia or big-ballooned testicles. Don’t worry, this is completely normal!
2. Newborn babies are so immature they often have irregular breathing, jitters and look cross-eyed. Many of these issues subside as infants grow and develop.
3. The first breast milk that comes out (colostrum) is loaded with antibodies, vitamins and has as many white blood cells as blood...which is why it’s so good for your baby.
4. All babies are born with very short necks and tiny chins. It takes a few years for their chins to catch up in size to the rest of the face.
5. Babies have black tar-like poop (Robin Williams said it looked like a cross between Velcro and toxic waste!). You can learn more about ‘normal’ baby poop here!
6. Babies often look like little monkeys with furry hair on their ears, shoulders and foreheads and toes that curl over as if to grab a banana.
7. On the third day of life, a baby’s urine can turn pink (a sign of low fluid intake).
8. A baby’s soft spot is well protected with a membrane that is almost as tough as leather.
9. Babies are like little camels. They’re born with an extra pound of food and water in their bodies so they hardly need a drop of milk for the first days of life.
10. The umbilical cord doesn’t fall off…it rots off!
Bonus Fun Fact About Babies
If your new baby is fussy, it’s most likely because they miss the comforting sensations of the womb. To ease them into our big world, Happiest Baby invented SNOO, the “responsive” smart sleeper, which soothes them with the right amount of sound and motion. Learn more.
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