The Happiest Baby Get-Better Guide

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Sniffles, coughs, fever…caring for an under-the-weather kiddo is practically a rite of passage for parents. But just because everyone goes through it, doesn’t make it easy! What you need? A little TLC of your own! Here’s our one-stop-shop for some of the best get-better-soon advice you need to get your baby or toddler feeling back to normal in no time flat!
Baby and Toddler Fever Advice
Fevers have a way of striking fear in the heart of all parents. It’s so hard to see your precious bub burning up! And then there are the questions: When is a fever considered too high? Should I give my baby a fever-reducer? And how exactly do I take my baby’s temperature, anyway? Good thing we’ve distilled all the fever know-how you’ll need!
First, check out our guide to selecting the right baby thermometer and using it properly. (You’ll learn things like, a fever registers lower on an oral or armpit thermometer than on other thermometers.)
Next, delve into Dr. Harvey Karp’s level-headed take on what you should do if your little one spikes a fever. (And here’s what to do if your child has a fever and is vomiting. Yikes!)
Finally, let us walk you through when to reach for the baby Tylenol or baby Ibuprofen for fever relief—and how to know which to choose.
Baby and Toddler Medications & Treatments
Sometimes the best relief for your sick baby or toddler can be found in the medicine cabinet…and sometimes not. Either way, Dr. Karp is always there to help parents navigate all their options! Here, his best advice for naturally soothing your newborn’s cold and flu symptoms. (The good doc swears by nose washers.)
While there are certain over-the-counter baby remedies that are for-sure no-goes for little ones, like these baby and toddler cold medicines, there are times when medicine is exactly what the doctor ordered. (Again, check our pain- and fever-relievers guide.) And you might just need extra help getting your strong-willed toddler to take it. If so, Dr. Karp has advice, including a trick to make the medicine go down that may surprise you. Need more help navigating winter sickies? No problem! Check out our cold, flu, and RSV get-better toolkit…which includes a few more novel ideas.
More Common Childhood Illnesses
Ever see the Daycare Bingo graphic floating around social media? Here, the card is filled with the likes of hand-foot-mouth disease, COVID, RSV, plus Cold one, two, and three. The joke, of course, is that by the end of sick season, all parents “win” Bingo. (Sigh.) We all know by now that you don’t actually need a child in daycare for them to experience a virtual pu pu platter of childhood illnesses. (Colds for everyone!) Here, our comprehensive guides to the following common childhood illnesses:
- Bellyaches
- Croup
- Ear Infections
- Enterovirus
- Fever and Vomiting
- Fifth Disease
- Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease
- Norovirus
- Pink Eye
- Roseola
- Whooping Cough
- Walking Pneumonia
Your Guide to Pediatric Doctor Visits
During your baby’s first year of life, they’ll visit the pediatrician’s office a minimum of seven times...and that doesn’t include any sick visits! But each and every one of those well-child visits is important for keeping your little one in tip-top health. Learn what you can expect to happen during each well-child visit for your little one’s first three years. To make all of these doctor’s appointments as easy as can be, tap one—or all—of our carefully curated strategies to help get your tot comfortable at the doctor’s office.
When those appointments include stay-healthy vaccines, extra help may be needed! Never fear, Dr. Harvey Karp’s tips to help babies and toddlers deal with shots are here! He’s got a half dozen tips to help even squirmy and scared kiddos get through it. And to help you get through it, it’s important to know what’s coming: Stay one step ahead of shots with this handy vaccine guide and baby immunization schedule.
Stay Healthy Tips
While it’s impossible to sidestep all childhood illness, there are actions you can take to keep your baby, toddler, or big kid as healthy as can be. First, make sure your little one stays up to date on vaccines, including their annual flu shot. (It’s recommended for kids 6 months or older.) Learn why the influenza vaccine is so important for your baby and you. Speaking of shots, please speak to your pediatrician about getting your child vaccinated against COVID-19, too. (Here’s what Dr. Karp has to say about the groundbreaking vaccine.)
Beyond vaccines, it’s super important that children learn to wash their hands properly. Need help teaching you tot? Learn how to help your toddler to tackle this stay-healthy task. For more tips on staying healthy, check out Dr. Karp’s favorite germ hacks, plus his take on why sleep is key to maintaining a healthy immune system. Finally, good nutrition is a must for good health! Here’s our very best healthy-eating advice for toddlers.
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