How to Prep for Breastfeeding Success

Just because breastfeeding is natural doesn’t mean it’s easy. With a newborn baby, nursing sessions can be so frequent and lengthy, you may feel like breastfeeding is your full-time job! That’s why we recommend creating a “breastfeeding nest”—a nook in your bedroom or living area filled with items to make nursing as comfortable and relaxing as possible. Here’s how to trick out your nursing nest and prepare for breastfeeding success.
Grab-and-Go Snacks
Breastfeeding uses up at least 500 calories per day, so it’s no wonder you’re hungry! Stash snacks in your breastfeeding nest—ideally foods that you can eat with one hand and that don’t require urgent refrigeration. Think granola bars, fruit and nuts. Our Blooberry Bar for Fourth Trimester Support loads new parents up on important the form of a slightly sweet treat that can be eaten with one hand!
A Cozy Seat
Whether it’s a plush glider, rocking chair, or spot on the couch, choose a place where you can put your feet up and get comfortable. Some moms find they enjoy nursing on a yoga ball because the bouncing soothes their babies.
Support Pillow
Depending on your nursing position, your arms and back can get tired and crampy unless you have some support. A special breastfeeding pillow or bolster placed under baby will raise him to height of your nipples without strain.
Burp Cloth
Feeding a baby is rarely a tidy job. Be ready for a trickle (or flood) of spit-up by tossing a burp cloth or receiving blanket over your shoulder. Your shirts will thank you.
Lanolin Cream
Until your nipples toughen up, you may experience chafing and discomfort. Lanolin cream protects and soothes your nipples yet is safe for baby to ingest, so you don’t need to worry about scrubbing it off to nurse.
Water Bottle
Hydration is key to breastfeeding success—your milk supply depends on it!—so make sure to keep a refillable water bottle at the ready, ideally one with a top that you can pull open with one hand.
Notebook or Breastfeeding App
Your doctor may recommend that you track the timing and duration of your early nursing sessions. Make it easy by keeping a notebook, pen and clock nearby, or go digital with a breastfeeding tracker on your phone.
Tablet/E-Reader and Charger
Though you’re sure to spend plenty of time just gazing at your beautiful baby, it’s okay if you need additional entertainment—especially to keep you awake in the dark! Load up some binge-worthy TV shows, books or podcasts to check in with each time you nurse.
Nursing Pads
Until your supply levels out, you may find that your breasts are leaking onto your bra and shirt. Disposable pads, tucked into your nursing bra, can be a big help, so keep a box nearby along with a small trashcan.
Pumping Supplies
If you’re planning to pump and store extra breast milk, stash your breast pump, pumping bra and milk collection bottles near your nest for easy access.
Comfy, Stylish Breastfeeding-Friendly Attire
Breastfeeding definitely limits your wardrobe…let’s just say you won’t be wearing turtlenecks for a while! Every mom finds the breastfeeding “uniform” that works best for her, whether that’s low-cut tees, wraps or button downs. We especially love camisole-style dresses for pregnancy and nursing, which accommodate a growing bump and offers easy nursing access once Baby arrives. And, of course, it has to be soft and comfy enough to sleep in…yet chic enough to wear out and about!
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