10 Smart Sunscreen Tips for Babies and Kids

Sunny days are one of the great joys of summer, and yet, soaking up those warm, golden rays can be…really risky! Melanoma tragically kills thousands every year, and just five bad sunburns can double a person’s chance of developing severe skin cancer.
Fortunately, simple sun protection goes a long way to protect not just our skin from sunburn…it could also save our lives! And because kids and babies are especially vulnerable to the sun’s harsh beams, it makes it even more important that we practice sun safety.
Here are a few tips to follow before you head out for some fun in the sun!
Use sunscreen alternatives for babies under 6 months.
Babies under 6 months ideally shouldn’t wear sunscreen. Instead, protect your lovebug in other ways: Find a shady place to sit (or put that stroller canopy to use), and dress your little one in a three-inch brimmed sun hat or loose-fitting clothing that cover their arms and legs. (Look for clothes with a tight weave. You’ll know it’s a tight weave if very little light shines through when you hold it up.) You can also look for clothes labeled with an Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF) of at least 30. If shade and protective duds aren't available, use mineral sunscreen on small areas, like the face.
Don’t forget the sun hat!
You want your child in a sun hat with a wide brim of about 3-inches so their face, ears, and the back of their neck is shaded. Some hats even have a neck flap, which is great! Look for a tightly woven fabric, like canvas, in a darker color, which is thought to better shield from sun than lighter colors. If you also wear a hat, it will be easier for your child to assume it is normal, too.
When shopping for baby, toddler, a kid sun hats, look for ones either without chin cords or sun hats with a breakaway safety clasp that’s designed to detach easily if it gets caught on something or it’s pulled with force. I’m not totally comfortable with sun hats with cords because of the potential strangulation risk.
To make sure you get a hat that fits, measure your child’s head, and follow the size guide. If the sun hat is too large, it’ll flop in their eyes so they can’t see well—and may make their neck more vulnerable to sun. And if the sun hat is too small, it can slide right off! If your child loves a ponytail, look for a hat that comfortably accommodates one.
Consider mineral sunscreens.
There are two types of sunscreens: 1) mineral sunscreens which work by forming a UV-deflecting barrier on the skin, and 2) chemical sunscreens, which create a chemical reaction that changes UV rays into heat. Of the 16 active ingredients used in sunscreen, the FDA has decided only two are conclusively safe and effective: zinc oxide and titanium dioxide. These are the two ingredients you’ll find in mineral sunscreen. Until more research is conducted, the jury is still out on other ingredients found in chemical sunscreens…some of which are actually absorbed in our skin. Some research indicates that one common chemical in particular, oxybenzone, may interfere with our hormones.
Because there’s still a lot we don’t know about the ingredients in chemical sunscreens, you may feel more comfortable sticking to mineral ones…especially when it comes to slopping it on your kiddos. To find a list of vetted sunscreens, take a look at the Environmental Working Group’s Sunscreen Guide. No matter what, always choose a broad-spectrum, fragrance-free, sunscreen that's at least SPF 30.
Check your sunscreen’s expiration date.
Just like the eggs and milk in your fridge, your sunscreen has an expiration date! Using a sunscreen that’s past its prime won’t protect as promised. If you can’t read the date, but you know it’s at least three years old, give that SPF the heave-ho!
Skip the sprays.
While any form of sunscreen technically works, I prefer lotion for the body and a stick sunscreen for the faces, nose, lips, ears, and around the eyes. The problem with spray sunscreen is that kids can accidentally inhale it. (Aerosol sunscreens have been known to trigger asthma and cause serious coughing and wheezing.) In fact, the FDA has issued a warning against aerosol spray sunscreen for kids. Also, parents often apply too little. But spray sunscreen is better than playing in the rays without protection! If you need to use it, I recommend spraying some into your hand and then applying it to your child’s skin.
Test your sunscreen before slathering it on your tot.
If this is your first time using a certain sunscreen, put a tiny amount on the inside of your child’s wrist before you plan to use it. This way, you’ll find out if it irritates your kiddo’s skin before he’s got it all over their body. If your child does have a negative reaction, such as redness or a rash, talk to your doctor to find out if there’s a gentler version you can use instead.
Don’t skimp on sunscreen application.
To properly cover a child’s body, you need to use about an ounce of sunscreen. If you need a visual, that’s about one shot glass worth! For a child’s face, you need about a half a teaspoon. It’s especially easy to apply too little when using stick sunscreens, so make sure you really lay it on thick!
Reapply, reapply, reapply!
I know, applying sunscreen to a wiggly tot might feel a little like wrestling an alligator…but unfortunately, you may need to embark on that wrestling match a few times! First, slather your child in sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside. Not only is it far easier to wrestle your slippery tot at home, it gives the sunscreen a chance to settle in and be effective before you go out into the sunshine. I recommended setting your phone alarm to go off every two hours after that to remind you to reapply. Also, always put more sunscreen on after swimming or after drying off with a towel.
Remember, sunscreen is just one line of defense.
Though sunscreen is a crucial part of sun protection, it’s not the only weapon in your arsenal! Keep your child (and yourself!) out of direct sunlight as much as possible—especially during the hours when the sun is the strongest (from about 10am to 2pm). Park yourself in the shade, and wear a brimmed hat, sunglasses that offer a minimum of 99% UV protection, and protective clothing.
When you’re out and about on stroller walks, use a large canopy or mesh sun shield that’s specially designed for strollers. These provide sun protection, and the air flow babies need to stay safe and cool. (Don’t use a muslin blanket! It’s too thin to protect from the sun—and it’ll trap heat.)
The sun can be endless fun for the whole family…as long as you practice some common sun sense!
More Summer Safety Tips:
- How to Keep Kids Safe at the Beach
- Signs Your Baby Is Too Hot
- Baby and Kid Heat Wave Safety Need-to-Know
- Water Safety Tips
- How to Protect Babies From Bug Bites
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