20 Weeks Pregnant: You’re Halfway There!

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Your Baby at 20 Weeks
Are you singing and talking to your baby? Around this time, your lovebug's inner ear becomes fully developed, and they may begin responding to sound. Research has shown that babies in utero, can hear music—and when that very same music is played after birth they often quiet and seem to pay attention...a sign they actually remember it.
Your baby is practicing sucking. That may sound trivial, but it’s a skill they'll need to sustain their life in just a few more months! Meanwhile, you’re sharing your immunities with your baby. Your cells actually cross the placenta into fetal tissue, to help build up her immune system. Breastfeeding is a great way to continue protecting your little one after birth; your milk contains antibodies and all sorts of nutrients.
Size of baby at 20 weeks
Your baby is as big as a banana.
20 weeks is how many months?
20 weeks pregnant is approximately 4-1/2 months. At 20 weeks pregnant, you’re about halfway into your pregnancy.
What to Expect at 20 Weeks
Time to celebrate: You're halfway there!
By now you have a cute little bump…you’ve met your baby on an ultrasound and can feel their kicks. Your stomach is getting bigger, and it’s starting to squish your poor bladder. If you thought you had to pee lots during the 1st trimester…you’re just getting started! So stock up on the TP and try this pee tip: Lean forward and put your arms on your knees while you go—this position may help you fully empty your bladder and let you save a few trips to the restroom.
Lots of things keep pregnant people up at night, from pregnancy stress to delivery worries to odd sensations in your body. Pregnancy insomnia and disrupted sleep strike nearly every person who's carried a baby. And, now a new nuisance can occur: leg cramps—painful muscle contractions that seem to strike just as you’re drifting off to sleep.
These cramps are a bit mysterious. Nevertheless, there are ways to deal:
- Before bed, stretch out your calves
- Sit in a very warm bath with Epsom salts.
- Soothe. Stay hydrated and ask your doctor about taking extra magnesium (chelated is most easily absorbed).
For more help catching ZZZs, check out our Pregnancy Guide to Better Sleep.
20 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
Common symptoms at 20 weeks of pregnancy include:
- Headaches
- Heartburn and indigestion
- Faintness or dizziness
- Leg cramps
- Edema (swelling of feet and ankles)
- Your innie becoming an outie
20 Weeks Pregnant To-Do List
Decide about a doula. Doulas aren’t typically covered by health insurance, so you’ll want to see if hiring one fits in your budget. Now is the time to conduct interviews, because popular doulas are often booked months in advance. Learn more about doulas and postpartum doulas!
Buy life insurance. One more “adult” responsibility to check off the list, in addition to updating or creating a will. Read up about the different types of coverage and get referrals for local brokers. It’s best to shop around and compare quotes.
Plan for care of your other children and your pets during labor. Labor is unpredictable. Decide on the trusted soul who can take care of your other kids and your pets. Make copies of your keys, and print out easy-to-follow instructions.
Pregnancy Lingo Lesson: What is a doula?
Derived from the ancient Greek word for maidservant, modern doulas come from the most ancient of traditions, women supporting women in childbirth and during infant care. Today’s doulas are trained professionals providing comfort, guidance and service before, during and/or after labor. Doulas don’t prescribe drugs or make medical decisions, but they offer support to the mother, child and family. Studies show that doula support during labor leads to happier birth experiences.
Pregnancy Quote of the Week
"Everything grows rounder and wider and weirder, and I sit here in the middle of it all and wonder who in the world you will turn out to be."— Carrie Fisher
19 Weeks Pregnant | 21 Weeks Pregnant
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