22 Weeks Pregnant: Have You Popped Yet?

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Your Baby at 22 Weeks
They have a slim figure, weighs about a pound and measures 10 inches from top to toe. They haven't put on much baby fat yet, so their skin will still appear very thin. Little hairs are growing on their head and eyebrows, too.
Their hands are practicing grasping. They will latch on to her ears or the thick umbilical cord that is floating all around in their little room. Their lungs are filled with fluid but they're forming the tiny sacs that will eventually fill with air and allow them to breathe once they make their debut appearance.
There’s plenty going on inside your little one's head, too. Their taste buds are forming, and they will start to get used to the flavors that you enjoy. They can hear your voice and see light, even though their eyelids stay shut as the retina and lens develop. Their brain is growing faster than bread rising in the oven—it will increase 17 times in size by the time of delivery!
They also have their own sleep and wake rhythm and are snoozing a whopping 12 to 14 hours per day!
Size of Baby at 22 Weeks
Your baby is the size of a bell pepper! They're long and lanky, weigh about a pound and measures 10 inches from top to toe.
22 Weeks is How Many Months Pregnant
22 weeks is five months and a week pregnant.
22 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Have you popped yet? Unlike the rest of your abdomen, which is shielded by a strong layer of muscle, the belly button is just skin and fat, making it a weak spot. As your uterus (and baby) grow, they take up more and more room behind your belly button, turning your innie into an outie. This doesn’t happen to every mom and even when it does, it usually “pops” back in sometime after the birth. The skin on your belly button can be very sensitive (it’s been sheltered all these years!), so if it feels irritated, try protecting it with a little shea or cocoa butter and a Band-Aid.
Sciatic Pain During Pregnancy
Between your growing baby and all the amniotic fluid you’re carrying around, there’s a lot of weight resting against your back and the rich network of nerves in your lower abdomen. That pressure can cause lower back pain and even sciatica, which is pain going down the back of your legs (along your sciatic nerve),and can feel like anything from a dull throb or tingle to really bothersome shooting pain.
If you are getting increasing pain, it is always best to check with your doctor/midwife. S/he will probably say it is best to avoid taking any medication. However, you may be recommended to try prenatal yoga (perhaps the child’s pose and cat-cow, which gently stretch the back of your body) or use a foam roller slowly rolled up and down under your lower back (the roller is pressed between your body and the floor or wall). Your doctor may also recommend mild chiropractic treatment, massage therapy and ice or heat packs to help reduce pain.
22 Weeks Pregnant Symptoms
Common second trimester symptoms during your 22nd week of pregnancy include:
A Pregnancy To-Do List for Your 22nd Week
- Skip the radiation: Avoid any excess X-rays and make sure you ask for a lead apron to shield your baby if one is needed. Screenings at the airport are considered to be safe but it may be best to ask to be patted down, instead.
- Adjust your car seat: As your belly gets bigger, move the car seat as far back as it is comfortable to put more distance between you and the airbag. Always make sure to wear both the shoulder strap and lap belt of your seat belt. The lap belt should go under your belly and over your hips, never across your bump.
- Sit on an exercise ball: A large, well-inflated exercise ball is a godsend. It stabilizes your core, can reduce back pain and opens up your pelvis. Size matters here: Use the right size for your height (5’3” and under use a 55cm ball; 5’4” to 5’8” use a 65cm ball; 5’8” and up use a 75cm ball). Once you’re sitting on it, your hips should be higher than your knees and your spine straight and slightly forward. Try gentle exercises like rocking your hips from side-to-side or rotating them in a figure eight. This practice will come in handy later on…for labor!
- Soak your beans, nuts, and grains: Beans, nuts and whole grains are important pregnancy foods, but they can be hard to digest. An overnight soak in water (called sprouting) is an easy way to make everything—brown rice, quinoa, black beans and almonds—more digestible and is said to increase nutrient absorption. Soaking also removes sugars that can cause gas. So, make sure to dump the soaking water and use new water when cooking.
Myth or Fact: Is Oral Sex Safe While Pregnant?
Generally, oral sex is completely safe during pregnancy. Needless to say, you should avoid any sexual interaction if your partner has a cold sore or an STD—which should be treated right away. During pregnancy, orgasm can trigger Braxton Hicks contractions. This can feel weird but is totally normal and won’t bring on labor. If you have been put on bed rest or are at risk of preterm labor, it’s always best to ask your doctor about any sexual activity.
21 Weeks Pregnant | 23 Weeks Pregnant
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