6 Weeks Pregnant: Hello, Morning Sickness

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6 Weeks Pregnant: Baby Update
Deep inside your womb, your baby has begun to move! You won’t be able to feel your little one kicking and swimming for months…but they may look like a jumping bean during your next ultrasound! Your baby now has a distinct head and body and facial features are developing, starting with their itty-bitty nose.
Webbed, paddle-like hands and feet are emerging at the ends of their small arm and leg buds. The lizard-like tail your baby was sporting a mere 2 weeks ago is shortening. Their lungs are forming, and their trusty heart is beginning to pump blood.
Big news: You may now be able to see cardiac activity on an ultrasound—how exciting!
How many months is 6 Weeks pregnant?
6 weeks pregnant is 1-1/2 months pregnant.
Baby’s Size at 6 Weeks Pregnant
At 6 weeks, your baby is the size of a pea!
6 Weeks Pregnant: What to Expect
Ah, one of the most dreaded symptoms of pregnancy: Morning sickness. Up to 90% of pregnant people experience nausea and/or vomiting during their pregnancy. And, around now is when it usually starts to kick in.
No one’s quite sure why pregnant people feel so ill. Some believe morning sickness is nature’s way to make sure your diet stays so bland and boring that you don’t accidentally eat something toxic. Other people say that nausea is connected to the massive flood of pregnancy hormones. Whatever the cause, the good news is that researchers have found that people with morning sickness are up to 75% less likely to have a miscarriage.
A tiny number of folks (<2%) fall victim of very severe morning sickness, called hyperemesis gravidarum (HG). HG is defined as throwing up more than 3 times a day, with resulting health issues such as dehydration and weight loss. In some cases, those with HG need to be hospitalized for treatment. (You may have read about celebs like Amy Schumer and Princess Kate suffering from this condition.)
If your symptoms don’t improve with simple remedies—like crackers, crystalized ginger, or sea bands—or if you are throwing up constantly, talk to your doctor about prescription medications. Here are more ways to ease morning sickness.
6-Weeks Pregnant To-Do List
Cut back on coffee: Sometimes pregnancy can feel like a stream of endless no’s: No alcohol, no soft cheeses, no hot tubs. Do you have to give up your daily signature Starbucks order, too? The short answer: No, you don’t have to quit cold turkey. However, your care provider will recommend not consuming more than about 1.5 cups of coffee (about 200 mg. of caffeine). And, don’t just track your coffee and cola intake…remember teas and chocolate contain caffeine-like stimulants, too. (Learn more about caffeine consumption during pregnancy.)
Get plenty of sleep: During this early stage, you might find you need to sleep a lot more—up to 12-14 hours a night. The high level of progesterone is sleep-inducing. So, don’t feel like a wuss if you find yourself needing a mid-day nap and falling asleep right after dinner. (Here's your pregnancy guide to better sleep!)
Stay hydrated: If getting enough liquids feels like a challenge or plain water turns your stomach, try flavoring it with lemon or mint. Instead of gulping down a large glass, take small sips throughout the day. If your stomach is really sensitive, try munching on ice chips or no-added sugar popsicles.
Myth or Fact?
You can’t eat sushi while pregnant.
Sushi is on many pregnancy “no, no” lists, but there is some confusion around whether it is safe or not.
The fear around sushi has to do with potential bacteria, parasites and mercury in raw fish. The FDA and American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) advise expecting parents to only eat fully cooked fish. So, no raw sushi, but a shrimp tempura, a crab roll, or other cooked choices are fine.
In fact, a new study links regular consumption of fish during pregnancy to higher cognitive scores of children. That’s why the FDA and ACOG recommend eating 8-12 oz of fish weekly. But, make sure that they are low in mercury. So, you want to skip high mercury fish like, tuna, shark and swordfish. Here, more info on fish to avoid.
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