27 Powerful Baby Names Meaning Strength

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If you’re hoping to inspire your child to grow up strong—in spirit, body, and character—why not consider a baby name that means "strength"? Names associated with strength often evoke resilience, courage, and power, making them a meaningful choice for your baby’s lifetime. Here are strong and stunning names to consider for your pint-sized powerhouse!
Girl Names That Mean Strength
Audrey: Meaning “noble strength,” this English name is as elegant as it is empowering.
Briana: This Irish name carries a lot of weight, meaning not only “strong,” but also “virtuous” and “honorable.”
Edith: Edith may sound bookish, but this Old English name actually means “prosperous in war.”
Isolde: Depending on who you ask, Isolde could be considered a German, Celtic, or a Welsh name. And though the meanings are as varied as its origins, many believe this name stands for “ice ruler”—conjuring leadership and cool confidence.
Lenna: An underused gem, Lenna’s has roots in a few languages and carries a few meanings, with one being “lion’s strength.” (See more rare baby names!)
Matilda: Matilda is an old-world name meaning “battle-mighty.” But for those of us who grew up with the Roald Dahl classic of the same name, it also brings to mind the spunky kid-lit heroine. Either way, it’s perfect for your fierce little warrior!
Millicent: Another Old German name, Millicent translates to “strong in work.” It’s a commanding moniker to be sure—but it could be softened with the very cute nickname Millie.
Philomena: This gorgeous Greek name means “lover of strength,” and its harmonious sound rolls off the tongue.
Trudy: This unassuming nickname for Gertrude is a nod to “trud” the Germanic root-word for strength. (Gertrude means “spear of strength.”) Bonus points for vintage vibes! (See more old-fashioned baby names!)
Valeria: A Latin name meaning “strong and healthy” is also a nod to the root word for “valor.”
Zaila: In addition to rolling off the tongue, this lovely name brings gravitas with its multiple meanings. It’s an African name meaning “might and power” and a beloved Arabic name that translates to “to grow or flourish.”
Boy Names That Mean Strength
Andrew: It’s easy to see why this timeless Greek name meaning “manly and strong” has been a perennial fave among parents.
Angus: This Scottish name means “strength” and “choice.”
Bernard: Of Old German origin, Bernard means “brave as a bear.” It’s got a dignified sound and lends itself to the less formal—and slightly cuddlier—nickname “Bernie.”
Dustin: The Norse name meaning “brave warrior” had its heyday in the ‘80s and ‘90s, but is ripe for a comeback! (More ‘90s name inspo!)
Ezekiel: The classic Hebrew name means “God strengthens.”
Gabriel: Another Hebrew name meaning “God is my strength.”
Garrett: Of Irish and Old German origin, Garrett means “spear strength.”
Griffin: What mythical creature embodies strength and courage better than the griffin (aka a beast with the body of a lion and the wings, talons, and head of an eagle)?
Leonard: For a name that roars with strength, consider Leonard, which translates to “brave lion.”
Malik: The regal Arabic name meaning “king” or “strong leader” may just be fit for your little prince.
Ryker: This modern-sounding name has Danish and Old German roots and is associated with strength, power, and empires. (Major flexes all around!)
Gender-Neutral Names That Mean Strength
Alex: The Greek name means “defender of the people” and is a strong choice for a boy or girl.
Ari: Of Hebrew origin, Ari means “lion,” a symbol of strength and courage.
Keren: The Hebrew name translates to “strength and power” (its other meanings include “ray” and “horn”). While typically used for a girl, the name works well for both genders!
Phoenix A mythical bird that rises from the ashes, symbolizing renewal and strength.
Zale: A Greek name meaning “sea strength” may just give your tiny tot the fortitude to set sail toward all of their dreams!
More Baby Name Inspiration:
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