What Can My Baby See and Hear Inside the Womb?

Many expecting parents have heard that playing Mozart will make their baby smarter....while there’s no real science to support that, your baby can hear inside the womb!
When Do Babies Start Hearing and Seeing?
By 24 weeks, your little one will respond to light, your activity and even your touch (you can try rubbing your belly gently). Her hearing is improving, so she can hear your stomach growling, outside music and close conversations.
What Can Babies Hear in the Womb?
There are two things she hears best: the whoosh of blood moving through your arteries and your voice! By the way, that rumbly, low-pitched sound is exactly what calms babies and helps them sleep better—and why you’ll love using white noise after she’s born (just like adults love the sound of the wind and ocean…or sleeping on a plane or train)! The thing she hears best is your voice! In fact, your voice travels down to her through your lungs, and she will soon learn to move in rhythm to your speech and even recognize your voice!
Since your baby can hear you, take time to talk to her. Listen to your favorite songs and massage her gently. Bonding for just a few minutes a day can help you feel happier!
Can Babies See Light in the Womb?
There’s not a lot of light in the womb, so babies don’t have much of a view. But, if you shine a dull or red light at your belly, your baby might turn towards it (and turn away if it’s a very bright light)! By 30 weeks, her vision is about as sharp as it will be at birth, but still extremely nearsighted compared to us (about 20/400). In her first week of life, she’ll be especially interested in looking at things that are red or have strong contrast. And that’s why infants love looking at black-and-white patterns…and the line where your face meets your dark hair or the contrast of your eyes). Her best vision is about 9-18 inches away…which is great, because that’s exactly the distance between your faces during breastfeeding.
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