8 Relaxing Babymoon Staycation Ideas

Couples looking for a “last hurrah” before their baby arrives will often plan a babymoon. It’s like a honeymoon with a plus one—your baby-to-be! Babymoons are a wonderful way to relax and reconnect as a couple, strengthening your partnership before the world-rocking event of your child’s birth.
But unlike a honeymoon, you might not want to travel far…or even at all. For one thing, you’ll want to be close to good medical care in case you have any issues or the baby decides to come early. For another, traveling while pregnant is not always that enjoyable—imagine squishing into a middle coach seat at 30 weeks when you have to get up to pee all the time! And of course, given COVID-19, limiting exposure to germs is paramount as well.
That’s why we’ve come up with 8 creative ideas for babymoon staycations. Relax and reconnect without the worry and save that international airfare budget for something fabulous (…like a SNOO)!
Rent a vacation home…near home.
Why would you spend money to stay overnight in your own town? Lots of reasons! You can upgrade your amenities, enjoying a swimming pool, hot tub, or fancy kitchen. Or perhaps there’s cool part of town you’ve always wanted to explore like a local, without worrying about parking. And with almost zero time traveling to your destination, you’ll have even more time to kick back.
Get a pool pass.
Many upscale hotels will sell a day pass to their resort pool. You can enjoy the perks—like lounge chairs and poolside mocktails—without committing to an overnight stay. Find your perfect pool on ResortPass.com. Some resorts will rent an entire cabana so you can make a big day of it, enjoying an afternoon nap in the shade!
Picnic in the garden.
Find the prettiest spot in your town, such as local arboretum or botanical garden. Pack a deluxe picnic—no shame in your game if you order the whole thing from a restaurant! Then set out a blanket under a tree and enjoy a romantic all-day picnic. Make sure to take some selfies!
Have a film festival.
Plan a line-up of great movies to enjoy with dim lights and popcorn in the comfort of your own home, and make it last all weekend! Need inspiration? Here are some highly entertaining comedies all about having babies to get you ready for the big day: She’s Having a Baby, Nine Months, Father of the Bride 2, Baby Mama, Look Who’s Talking, and Parenthood.
Become a parenting expert (by binge watching).
TV more your style? Have a binge-watching bonanza while absorbing parenting skills from the greatest TV moms and dads we know on shows like Modern Family, Parenthood, Gilmore Girls, Friday Night Lights, The Fosters, and even The Brady Bunch.
Go on a shopping spree—IRL or online.
Take the money you would have spent on a proper vacation (pre-COVID) and funnel it into some splurge items for home that will bring you long-term joy. Think super soft sheets, a kitchen gadget you’ve always coveted, or something special for baby’s nursery.
Take a walk down memory lane.
Get closer as a couple by sharing your pasts. Marvel over each other’s childhood photo albums and home movies. Read the inscriptions in each other’s high school yearbooks. Show each other the trinkets, trophies and tidbits that you couldn’t bear to let your parents throw away. You’ll learn even more about your partner, and who knows, you may get some clues about your future baby!
Turn your home into a luxury resort.
Bring everything you love about fancy hotels to you! Step one: Preschedule food delivery for breakfast, lunch, and dinner from your favorite restaurants. That’s room service! Step two: Set up lounge chairs in the yard and add fluffy towels, magazines, and a spa water canister (as in, water + lemon slices + ice). That’s your chill time. Step three: While you’re outside lounging, have your home professionally cleaned. That’s housekeeping! Step four: Draw a bubbly warm (not hot) bath, light scented candles, and give each other back rubs with massage oil. That’s your spa! All it takes is a little imagination. The best part—you can absolutely have a late check-out time…at no extra cost!
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