So, you just saw those double lines…now what?! Here are some items to add to your to-do list during the first trimester of pregnancy to help you manage your first trimester symptoms and begin prepping for Baby (eee!).

First Trimester Checklist

Start taking prenatal vitamins.

You have different nutrition needs during pregnancy! While loading up on healthy eats is crucial, to make sure you’re getting enough of the essentials, you should supplement with prenatal vitamins. Whether you go with a gummy, a pill, or a bar, make sure that your vitamin of choice has folic acid (why folic acid is so important during pregnancy).

▢ Talk to your doctor about your medications.

Not all meds mesh with a baby on board, so if you’re popping pills prior to pregnancy, check with your provider to make sure they’re all still safe to use. They can direct you to alternative treatment so you continue to get the care you need! 

▢ Quit smoking, drinking & other substances.

Tobacco, alcohol, and other controlled substances (including cannabis) can be harmful to your growing baby, so it’s essential that you quit ASAP. For extra support, visit (If you find yourself in a situation where you need a drink in hand, consider a non-alcoholic drink!)

▢ Double-check your diet for pregnancy no-nos.

There are certain foods you’ll want to steer clear of because they put you at an increased risk for food poisoning, which can be extra dangerous for pregnant people. For help knowing which eats to keep off your plate, read our guide on foods to avoid during pregnancy, our pregnancy-safe fish guide, and our caffeine-during-pregnancy explainer!

Decide on an OB/GYN or midwife.

You’re going to be seeing a lot of your provider over the next 40ish weeks, so make sure you’ve picked one who you like! If you have an existing OB/GYN, you can consider using a midwife and/or doula to complement their care. Here’s some advice on picking a prenatal care practitioner.

Schedule your first prenatal appointment.

If you haven’t already, give your OB/GYN a call to get your first appointment on the books. Depending on your practice and your health history, this appointment will be around 8 weeks. (What to expect at prenatal appointments.)

Figure out what your health insurance will cover.

This is a good way to make sure you aren’t hit with surprises along your pregnancy journey! 

Discuss your health history with both sides of your family.

Your provider will ask about this to assess whether certain genetic tests might be necessary.

Figure out when you want to announce your pregnancy.

Some expecting parents are bursting with excitement and tell everyone immediately. Others may wait until after 12 weeks when the miscarriage rate drops. It all depends on your comfort level! Here’s what to consider when deciding when to announce your pregnancy. And once you figure out the when you can start thinking about the how…how to announce your pregnancy to your parents, how to tell your bestie you’re pregnant, how to share your pregnancy on social media, when to tell your boss your pregnant…and so on! 

Swap in pregnancy-safe beauty & household products.

In addition to thinking about what you’re putting into your body, it’s a good idea to start thinking about the other products you use in your day-to-day life (like cleaning solutions, paints, and more!). Read up on pregnancy-safe skincare and pregnancy-safe hair care. And be sure to check out our comprehensive Happiest Baby x Environmental Working Group Clean Pregnancy Guide!

▢ Start budgeting for Baby.

It’s no secret that babies are expensive (but, of course, 100% worth it!). Between shelling out for baby gear, forking over money for childcare, and stashing away cash for a college fund, the charges add up! Putting aside a little money now can help offset the inevitable costs down the road.

▢ Invest in a maternity bra.

Long before your bump expands, there’s a good chance your breasts will start to blossom in a way you probably haven’t experienced since puberty! They can also be extra-tender during this time, so don’t waste time finding a well fitting bra that is comfy and supportive of your newly voluptuous body!

▢ Up your water intake.

More than half of pregnant folks experience dehydration during pregnancy! And that’s a problem because water is so important to support your growing baby. Among other roles, H2O forms the amniotic fluid around your babe-to-be, helps produce extra blood, contributes to new tissue growth, and reduces the risk of pregnancy problems like constipation and hemorrhoids. A good rule of thumb: Aim for 8 to 12 cups of agua. More on staying hydrated during pregnancy.

▢ Make sure you’re getting enough iron.

These days your body needs twice as much as it did pre-pregnancy—which is why about half of expectant parents are iron-deficient! Here’s what to know about iron deficiency—plus how to keep it at bay!

▢ Incorporate movement or exercise into your days.

Experts recommend that expecting parents at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity a week. Here are some safe ways to sweat during pregnancy, plus some of our favorite prenatal yoga videos

▢ Rest as much as you can!

Your body is working overtime already, making rest a must! Especially now as pregnancy fatigue is common, take every opportunity to catch some extra ZZZs. (These pregnancy sleep tips should help!)

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Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. It is only meant as general information. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider.