Morning Sickness: Your Feel-Better Guide

On This Page
- What is morning sickness?
- When does morning sickness start?
- When does morning sickness end?
- What does morning sickness feel like?
- What causes morning sickness?
- Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Severe Morning Sickness
- Who gets morning sickness?
- Can morning sickness harm the baby?
- Morning Sickness Treatment
- When to Call Your Doctor About Morning Sickness
While waves of nausea and vomiting don’t usher in all pregnancies, research shows that anywhere from 70% to 90% of pregnant individuals experience these common tummy-turning early pregnancy symptoms. But before you start to stress—or recruit a designated hair-holder for pukey mornings—take a few minutes to learn all you can about morning sickness—including when morning sickness starts, what it feels like, and—importantly!—how to get some relief.
What is morning sickness?
Nausea and vomiting that occurs in the first few months of pregnancy is called morning sickness…and for good reason. A 2020 report shows that 82% of pregnancy-related nausea strikes between 9 and 10am. Of course, as most morning-sickness sufferers have probably experienced, you’re actually very likely to experience morning sickness throughout the day, researchers went on to note. Some may feel nauseated for a brief window each day and vomit once or twice, but in more severe cases, morning sickness can last several hours at a time.
When does morning sickness start?
Morning sickness generally kicks in between your 5th and 10th week of pregnancy. A 2020 report found that your probability of experiencing nausea is at its highest during weeks 5, 6 and 7 of pregnancy, with week 7 also being prime time for vomiting. But morning sickness is said to feel the worst between weeks 8 and 10 weeks of pregnancy.
When does morning sickness end?
While some experience morning sickness throughout their second trimester, for most, morning sickness fades by the time you’re 14 weeks pregnant, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). In rare cases, however, morning sickness can last throughout pregnancy.
What does morning sickness feel like?
Everyone knows that nausea and vomiting are common symptoms of morning sickness, but they aren’t the only ones.
Morning Sickness Symptoms
Upset stomach (nausea)
Loss of appetite
Feeling seasick
Heartburn-like sensation
Feeling as though something is stuck in your throat
Hunger pangs
What causes morning sickness?
Doctors don’t know for sure what causes morning sickness, but new research suggests that it may have something to do with a pregnant person’s sensitivity to a specific hormone (GDF15) that the placenta produces. Nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy may also be caused—or worsened—by…
Increase in pregnancy hormones
Low blood sugar
Blood pressure fluctuations
Metabolism fluctuations
Lack of sleep
Motion sickness
Heat or warm weather
Hyperemesis Gravidarum: Severe Morning Sickness
Most of the time, morning sickness symptoms are mild and manageable, but for up to 3% of pregnant people, the nausea and vomiting associated with pregnancy becomes excessive. This severe type of morning sickness is called hyperemesis gravidarum and it can lead to dehydration and weight loss. What’s more, a report in BMJ Open found that those with hyperemesis gravidarum are about eight times more likely to suffer prenatal depression and four times more likely to have postpartum depression than those who are not dealing with extreme morning sickness.
Hyperemesis Gravidarum Symptoms
You may be diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum if…
You’ve lost 5% of your pre-pregnancy weight.
There are high levels of ketones in your urine (Ketosis).
You have electrolyte abnormalities, which means the salts in your blood that control the balance of fluids in the body are off.
Your vomiting cannot be controlled (more than three to four times a day).
You are experiencing symptoms of dehydration, such as dizziness, a decrease in urination, and/or a racing or pounding heart.
Who gets morning sickness?
Morning sickness can occur in any pregnancy, but there are certain factors that may increase your chances of severe morning sickness, such as…
Carrying multiples
Carrying a female
First pregnancy
History of motion sickness
History of migraines
Prior pregnancy with mild or severe nausea and vomiting
Having a parent or sibling who experienced severe morning sickness
Having trophoblastic disease, a condition that leads to abnormal cell growth in the uterus
Living in a hot climate
Working night shifts
Sleep deprivation
Can morning sickness harm the baby?
Cue the sigh of relief: Morning sickness usually does not harm babies-to-be, according to ACOG. That said, if you are unable to keep food or liquid down and become dehydrated and lose weight as a result, it’s important to see your healthcare provider. That's because when you leave severe nausea and vomiting unmanaged, you risk having a low-birth-weight baby.
Morning Sickness Treatment
From the foods you eat (and avoid) to lifestyle tweaks and medications, there are several strategies you can take to help treat morning sickness symptoms.
Natural Morning Sickness Remedies
Avoid nausea triggers. Odors, flickering lights, riding in the backseat…whatever sparks your nausea, avoid it!
Consider aromatherapy. Smelling fresh lemon, orange, and mint has shown to tamp down nausea. In fact, one study of 100 pregnant people found those who inhaled lemon essential oil had significantly less intense nausea and vomiting than those who whiffed a placebo.
Keep the air flowing. Make sure you’re always in well-ventilated rooms. If you can’t crack a window, turn on a fan or go outside to get some fresh air.
Don’t lie down after eating. It’ll cause the gastric juices in your tummy to rise and make you feel ill.
Try a motion-sickness band. These zero in on your P6 pressure point on the inside of your wrist that’s thought to tamp down nausea.
Foods to Eat for Morning Sickness
Bland foods. Bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, and tea are all low in tummy-turning fat and easy to digest.
Stay hydrated. Dehydration can make nausea worse. Aim for 8 to 12 cups of water a day during pregnancy.
Include protein at every meal. It’ll help stave off nausea—and increase your energy, according to research. Bonus: Adding a healthy, lean protein to each meal can keep you fuller longer and help prevent blood sugar levels from spiking.
Stash a snack on your nightstand. Eat dry toast or crackers before you get out of bed in the morning, to avoid jostling your empty tummy.
Suck on this! Since sour flavors seem to help curb nausea, try sucking on a piece of lemon-flavored hard candy.
Enjoy mini meals. An empty belly can cause nausea, so eating five or six small meals throughout that day keeps your tummy topped-up.
Avoid fatty and dried foods. These are harder to digest!
Embrace ginger. Ginger is a known remedy for reducing nausea and vomiting symptoms in pregnancy. Have a ginger tea made from fresh-grated ginger. Chew on ginger candies. Seek out ginger ale made with real ginger.
Learn more about what to eat to help quell morning sickness.
Morning Sickness Medications and Supplements
If diet and lifestyle changes aren’t quelling the queasies, your healthcare provider may recommend medication or supplements as a morning sickness treatment. (Always connect with your provider before taking any OTC meds during pregnancy.) Some options include:
Prenatal vitamins: Taking prenatals before and during pregnancy has been shown to reduce the risk of having severe nausea and vomiting while expecting. Take your prenatal vitamins with food and at bedtime to sidestep pill-swallowing stomach upset.
Vitamin B6: This safe, over-the-counter treatment is a good place to start when it comes to treating nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, according to ACOG.
Doxylamine: This OTC sleep-aid medication (Unisom) can be added to your B6 regimen if needed. Research has shown that this combo is associated with a 70% reduction in morning sickness symptoms. There’s also a prescription medication (Diclegis) that contains vitamin B6 and doxylamine.
Antiemetic drugs. There are prescription medications that help treat nausea and vomiting …but some come with risks during pregnancy. Talk with your physician to find out if there’s one that may work for you.
Hyperemesis Gravidarum Treatment
If you’ve been diagnosed with hyperemesis gravidarum and you’ve already tried home interventions—and a combo of vitamin B6 and doxylamine—your healthcare provider may move onto medications such as Dramamine, Benadryl, or Reglan. And if you’re dehydrated, IV fluids and vitamins may be in order.
CBD and Marijuana for Morning Sickness
Marijuana and CBD products are not recommended to relieve morning sickness symptoms. ACOG, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Food and Drug Administration advise folks to refrain from using marijuana during pregnancy and breastfeeding for any reason! Not only is there very limited research on the matter, the studies that have been done show that
THC, the active chemical in marijuana, quickly and easily crosses the placenta. Plus, other data shows that using pot while pregnant may even increase risk for low birth weight, preterm birth, fetal growth restriction, and miscarriage. (Learn more about marijuana use in pregnancy.)
When to Call Your Doctor About Morning Sickness
If your morning sickness interferes with your everyday life, do not hesitate to reach out to your doc or midwife for guidance and relief. And definitely call your healthcare provider if…
You’ve vomited blood or anything that resembles coffee grounds.
You’ve vomited more than three times a day or you cannot keep food or liquid down.
You’ve lost a lot of weight.
Your urine is dark and concentrated.
You pee very infrequently.
Home remedies have not helped your morning sickness.
Morning sickness continues beyond 4 months of pregnancy.
More on Pregnancy Symptoms:
- Why Your Favorite Foods Make Your Tummy Turn
- Pregnancy Fatigue Need-To-Know
- A Quick Guide to Pregnancy Discharge
- Round Ligament Pain: The Common Pregnancy Pang, Explained
- Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy (You’re Not Alone!)
- Cleveland Clinic: Morning Sickness
- Hyperemesis Gravidarum. StatPearls. January 2024
- Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy is not just ‘morning sickness’: data from a prospective cohort study in the UK. British Journal of General Practice. August 2020
- American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG): Morning Sickness: Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy
- GDF15 linked to maternal risk of nausea and vomiting during pregnancy. Nature. December 2023
- March of Dimes: Morning sickness
- Association between hyperemesis gravidarum and psychological symptoms, psychosocial outcomes and infant bonding: a two-point prospective case–control multicentre survey study in an inner city setting. BMJ Open. October 2020
- Mayo Clinic: Morning sickness
- Clevland Clinic: Morning Sickness? 12 Remedies That Really Work
- Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy. Gastroenterology Clinics of North America. June 2013
- Herbal medicine use by pregnant women in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study. BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies. December 2018
- National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements: Vitamin B6
- ACOG: Marijuana and Pregnancy
- Marijuana Use During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: Implications for Neonatal and Childhood Outcomes. Pediatrics. September 2018
- Food and Drug Administration: What You Should Know About Using Cannabis, Including CBD, When Pregnant or Breastfeeding
- Marijuana Use in Pregnancy: A Review. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey. March 2020
- Mount Sinai: Morning sickness
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