Goop’s Megan O’Neill Reclaimed Her “Beauty” Sleep With SNOO

As Goop’s associate beauty director Megan O’Neill knows a thing or two about beauty. Her entire 9-to-5 is devoted to testing products, pampering, and looking and feeling good. “People are always asking me what’s the secret to having youthful, glowing skin, and the answer is so boring,” says Megan. “It’s eating nourishing foods, having a beautiful outlook…but really, mostly, it’s sleep! Regenerative, rejuvenating, gorgeous sleep.”
Since we at Happiest Baby are obsessed with sleep, we were curious: How does Megan get her much needed “beauty sleep” as a mom of two young boys? Here’s what she had to say.
Happiest Baby: How did your firstborn, who’s now a toddler, sleep as an infant?
Megan O’Neill: Lagos, who’s 3 years old in April, was a one of those rare dream babies who practically came out of my womb sleep trained. Completely spoiled us. We thought he was the standard. Little did we know.
HB: Uh-oh! It sounds like Monty, your baby, was not a great sleeper!
MO: MONTY! My god. He had us waking up 6 times a night. He’d go to sleep thrashing and wailing, and he’d wake up thrashing and wailing. It was bananas. We were bananas, like zombie-people who couldn’t form sentences. One time I couldn’t remember the word “elbow.”
HB: Is that when SNOO first appeared on your radar?
MO: So many friends swore by SNOO. They said similar things, like, “No, you don’t get it. It saved us.” Or ominously, “You’ll see…” I’d picked up on this fun buzz around it.
HB: What did you hope SNOO could do for you—and did you have any apprehensions when you brought it home?
MO: I thought, “A robot crib? How unnatural.” I wondered if there was maybe something a little soulless about using it. Or if it was cheating? Didn’t I have to suffer through the sleepless nights to become a real parent, or something? So yes, I was definitely apprehensive, but also curious. AND THEN. When Monty came along—shrieking, averse-to-sleep-and-peace Monty—I was clamoring to get my hands on SNOO.
HB: Can you describe your experience with SNOO?
MO: SNOO isn’t soulless in the least! It’s gentle. Tender even. Thank goodness, I thought. I hadn’t experienced sleep deprivation like this before, and it really gave us this huge sense of relief. It’s also sleek and fancies up your bedroom or nursery.
HB: How did getting better sleep with SNOO impact your family?
MO: Sleep deprivation is a form of torture, and truly, my husband and I felt like we were being tortured by Mr. Monty. Once we started sleeping, the world was brighter, our ability to form sentences returned, we liked each other again, we became fun loving again, life was good again!
More SNOO Reviews:
- Learn Why This ER Nurse Needed SNOO
- This Sleep Consultant Leaned on SNOO for Her Twins
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