19-Month-Old Milestones for Your Baby

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Sure, every parent is biased—but no one could blame you for thinking your 19-month-old is a little genius!
Your 19-Month-Old’s Development
At 19 months, it seems like they are putting together new concepts, saying new words, and mastering new skills on a daily basis.
Of course, children choose where they put their energy. Say your toddler isn’t the chattiest Cathy around, but they would be happy to spend hours at a time on a balance bike. That’s amazing! Like adults, it’s rare for kids to excel at all the things. Instead of expecting that, try to celebrate and encourage what they are enthusiastic about.
Of course, that doesn't mean you should stick your head in the sand when it comes to behavioral, cognitive, or physical red flags. Your child’s recent 18-month check-up with the pediatrician should have been an opportunity to evaluate their development on these levels. If the doctor had any concerns, follow their advice on next steps.
19-Month-Old Schedule and Routines
You’ve known the importance of establishing healthy, predictable routines with your baby since the earliest days of practicing the 5 Ss. But, while they subconsciously followed routines from a young age, your child now actively expects (and seeks) patterns. What does that mean? Well, your 19-month-old is trying to assign reason to the world around them. Knowing that they start the morning with breakfast, quiet playtime, and then an activity helps them feel like a participant—rather than someone just told what to do.
Your 19-month-old is also taking note of where objects go: Shoes by the garage door, clothes in the front closet, toys in the toy chest, and so on. Most kids will be surprised to find the toy chest suddenly moved to another room. While all toddlers struggle with transitions to some degree, a few kids may respond with an explosive mix of anger, frustration, or sadness. This may be a sign of a root emotional or developmental issue at play. If your child seems especially resistant to change, monitor their other behaviors and bring up any concerns with their doctor. (Here are signs to watch for.)
19-Month-Old Milestones: Health, Physical Growth and Abilities
Although it may not seem like it at every moment, toddlers are generally eager to please the people they love. You can help reinforce their good behaviors by offering regular doses of attention, praise, and play. Make an effort to “flash a green light” on behaviors you would like to encourage. Little gestures—a smile, wink, thumbs up, or big hug—can go a long way.
It’s a bit ironic: Your 19-month-old is probably far from coordinated, but they love nothing more than testing their physical abilities. That can turn even household items into hazards, so do another check around the living space to make sure there aren’t sharp corners on tables, cables or cords dangling nearby, or heavy furniture that could tip over. (Check out our childproofing checklist!)
You can also channel their energy in better ways with visits to the playground, space to run around, and small climbing gyms or slides for the home. It’s much easier for them to follow rules like not jumping on the couch when they have an alternative!
Even during more restful play periods, your toddler probably likes improving their hand-eye coordination skills by stacking blocks, lining up toys, or dumping things out of a basket. Give them a chance to practice their dexterity by turning the pages of a book, holding a chunky crayon, or mixing up an imaginary soup in a bowl.
19-Month-Old Height and Weight
At 19 months, the average boy is about 24.5 pounds (11.1 kg) and 32.8 inches (83.2 cm), while girls clock in around 22.9 pounds (10.4 kg) and 32.2 inches (81.7 cm).
Screen Time for 19-Month-Olds
There’s no denying that screen time is a hot-button topic these days. Although there isn’t a clear consensus among experts about what’s the “acceptable” amount of screen time, there are some practical guidelines to keep in mind.
- Under the age of 2, screen time should be minimized. However, small amounts of responsibly produced programming is fine… PBS Kids is a good place to look.
- Not all screens are created equal. There is a difference between doing a video call with a faraway grandparent and spacing out in front of the television.
- When possible, look for ways to engage with your child during screen time. Sit down together, make observations, and ask questions.
- Be clear about rules—even at this age. Communicate how long your child is allowed to watch, when they are allowed to watch, and what they are allowed to watch.
19-Month-Old Milestones: Final Thoughts
Now that you’re inching closer to 2 and further from 1, your little baby probably feels more and more like a full-fledged toddler every day! It can feel like new territory, for sure. Fortunately, we’ve got your backs! Check out some of our best info on toddler tantrums, toddler sleep, feeding toddlers, and communicating with toddlers. You’ve got this!
< 18 Month Milestones | 20 Month Milestones >
- The Happiest Toddler on the Block, Dr. Harvey Karp, MD
- The Child Mind Institute: Why Do Kids Have Trouble With Transitions?
- World Health Organization: Child Growth Standards, Length/Height for Age
- World Health Organization: Child Growth Standards, Weight for Age
- American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry: Screen Time and Children
- American Academy of Pediatrics, Where We Stand: Screen Time
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