Common Pregnancy Questions—Answered!

Hello, pregnant mama! Got questions about what's ahead in your pregnancy? You've come to the right place: Dr. Harvey Karp, the celebrated author of The Happiest Baby on the Block, has the answers!
Common Pregnancy Questions
Q: What are warning signs I should see my OB or Midwife?
As a future parent, any time you are worried about anything in your pregnancy, you should feel comfortable contacting your care provider with your questions and concerns. However, generally some signs you should call your doctor include chest pain, fever, and dizziness,—these can sometimes point to serious complications.
Q: Is it safe to have sex during the last month of pregnancy?
Short answer, yes! Sex in the last trimester can be some of the best of the entire pregnancy. Babies are well protected by your amniotic fluid, so it’s unlikely your hanky-panky will disturb them. However, there are some issues that make sex risky (such as placenta previa or premature labor), so if you have an underlying condition, speak to your doctor first.
Q: How can I tell Braxton hicks from real labor?
Braxton Hicks contractions can be a startling occurrence during pregnancy. Rest assured though, there are ways to tell them apart from labor. During your final trimester, your obstetrician or midwife will tell you that your cervix is effaced, or flattening out, and thus getting ready to move the baby out into the world. See more early signs of labor.
Q: How can I prepare my breasts for nursing?
There are some tips out there like “toughening up your nipples” that some people swear by, and others tell you doesn't work. Breasts were made for nursing (evolutionarily speaking). Speak with resources like La Leche League or a nursing consultant if you have flat nipples, which can be difficult to latch on to.
More Pregnancy Question Answers:
You may have heard the expression “there are no stupid questions”—and that goes double when it comes to pregnancy! Your body is undergoing immense—and unprecedented, if this is your first pregnancy—changes, so it’s natural for you to have questions about pregnancy as well as labor and delivery. You can find some more common questions answered here.
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