Lola Crib Toddler Bed Conversion Kit
Lola Crib Toddler Bed Conversion Kit
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The sturdy Lola Crib cradles your little one during their baby days.

Our Conversion Kit makes it easy to turn Lola Crib into your child's very first 'big-kid' bed!

Lola Crib Toddler Bed Conversion Kit FAQs
When is it the right time to transition to a toddler bed out of a crib?
There is no specific recommended age for transitioning your little one out of a crib and into a toddler bed. Some kiddos make the switch as young as 15 months and others happily snooze in their crib until after their third birthday. However, if your tot seems to be plotting their great crib escape—or you've caught them already vaulting over the side—it's probably time to transition into a toddler bed. Other clues that it may be time to convert your Lola Crib to a toddler bed include:
- When standing, your child’s chest is above the crib rail.
- Your child is 3 feet tall.
- You’re trying to potty train your child.
When is my child at the toddler bed age?
The Lola Toddler Bed is for tots over 15 months old. It’s not safe to place a child younger than 15 months in a toddler bed. That, of course, does not mean that you must convert your beloved crib to a toddler bed when your child turns 15 months old! Many parents wait as long as possible before the conversion…which can be 15 months for crib-climbers or 3 years for non daredevils.
Is it easy to transition to a toddler bed?
Like all things parenting, some tasks are easier than others…it all depends on your child’s temperament (and yours!), their readiness, and how prepared you both are for the transition. To help make the move to the big kid bed as easy as possible…
- Continue with your tried-and-true sleepytime routine, including dimming the lights 30 to 60 minutes before night-night, reading stories, and sharing cuddles.
- Keep the white noise going! White noise works wonders for helping toddlers and big kids get the Zzzs they need by triggering their sleepy instinct and blocking sleep-disruptive sounds.
- Offer a lovey, like SNOObear. Loveys help tots build confidence and security, and they work wonders for easing new-bed worries!
- To boost enthusiasm, make up little stories or read books about sleeping in bed.
- During the day, gossip about what a good job your bub is doing in their big kid bed.
What are the signs your child is ready for a toddler bed?
If your child is itching to snuggle up in a toddler bed, they’ll let you know in a few different ways, such as:
- Their height: Children who are just shy of 3 feet tall should no longer snooze in a crib. Another sign: When standing, your child’s chest is above the crib rail.
- Their ambition: If your tot has attempted to climb out of the crib—or succeeded—it’s time to consider the toddler bed.
- Their potty habits: If you’re in the midst of potty training, it’s time for the toddler bed.
Is it easy to convert a crib to a toddler bed?
Yes! The Lola Crib is so easy to convert to a toddler bed! Here’s how to do it:
- Make sure the mattress spring is on the lowest level.
- Lay the Lola Crib on its back (not upside down) and unscrew the eight bolts and washers that hold the footboard to the corner posts and crib frame. (Leave the dowels that are in the frame alone!)
- Hang the toddler rail on the dowels and crib frame.
- Use the bolts and washers you just removed to secure the toddler rail onto the frame and corner posts.
- Once the toddler rail is on, tip the Lola Crib back on its feet.
- Slide the mattress into place, place a freshly-washed crib sheet on top, and let the sweet Zzzs come!