Happiest Baby Streaming Video (English)

Happiest Baby on the Block (STREAMING) MyRegistry SNOO Gift Card MyRegistry SNOO Rental Gift Card


About Happiest Baby on the Block Streaming Video

  • Happiest Baby on the Block video is available for streaming immediately after purchase
  • From best-selling author, Dr. Harvey Karp, inventor of the 5 S’s and the swaddling revolution
  • Learn essential calming tricks for newborns as Dr. Harvey Karp teaches you about the 5 S’s

Reviews about Happiest Baby on the Block Streaming Video

“I have an 11-week-old baby. We’ve had The Happiest Baby video for over a month now it has saved our lives!  I had about 4-5 people recommend this video and as soon as we watched it, it worked on our son! Every pediatrician should teach new parents this method.” By C. Vanasselt

“My husband says that this product was a lifesaver for him. There is a section on how to swaddle your newborn up tight and make them feel very safe, which in turn helps them to not cry so much. He used this technique a lot at bedtime. We liked this video so much that we bought four more for the future as baby shower presents!” By H. Campbell

By purchasing this content, you certify that you are over 18 years of age, and acknowledge that you have read and agree with the End User License Agreement and Terms of Service on the Happiest Baby website.

About Happiest Baby on the Block Streaming Video

  • Happiest Baby on the Block video is available for streaming immediately after purchase
  • From best-selling author, Dr. Harvey Karp, inventor of the 5 S’s and the swaddling revolution
  • Learn essential calming tricks for newborns as Dr. Harvey Karp teaches you about the 5 S’s

Reviews about Happiest Baby on the Block Streaming Video

“I have an 11-week-old baby. We’ve had The Happiest Baby video for over a month now it has saved our lives!  I had about 4-5 people recommend this video and as soon as we watched it, it worked on our son! Every pediatrician should teach new parents this method.” By C. Vanasselt

“My husband says that this product was a lifesaver for him. There is a section on how to swaddle your newborn up tight and make them feel very safe, which in turn helps them to not cry so much. He used this technique a lot at bedtime. We liked this video so much that we bought four more for the future as baby shower presents!” By H. Campbell

By purchasing this content, you certify that you are over 18 years of age, and acknowledge that you have read and agree with the End User License Agreement and Terms of Service on the Happiest Baby website.