Your baby is the ultimate symbol of new beginnings—what better way to honor that than with a name that means “pure”? From timeless picks to modern faves, names that mean “pure” are pure charm.

Girl Names That Mean Pure

Agnes: A Greek name meaning pure and holy. It’s a vintage gem that’s ripe for a comeback!

Aikaterine: Another Greek beauty—this one the root of Katherine—meaning pure.

Amala: This Sanskrit name translates to clean and pure. (See more Indian baby names!)

Catherine/Katherine: The timeless name means pure (and cutely shortens to Cate or Katie).

Clara: Connoting brightness and clarity, this baby name sure has plenty of shine! (See more names meaning light!)

Ekaterina: This Russian name is a version of Katherine (and like the rest of the variants, also means pure!).

Ines: A Portuguese and Spanish name with pure and virtuous roots.

Kaitlyn: The Irish take on Katherine combines modern style with pure meaning.

Karina: This Latin gem means pure and beloved.

Lucia: The radiant Latin name means light and purity and lends itself to the equally adorable diminutive Lucy.

Niamh: An Irish name steeped in folklore, meaning bright and pure.

Boy Names That Mean Pure

Arsh: This Arabic name means "pure and divine" and is often associated with the heavens, making it a truly celestial choice for your little one.

Caron: This Welsh baby name translates to "pure love," combining a sense of devotion and innocence.

Innocent: No need for subtlety! This Latin name leads with its meaning.

Janus: This purity-adjacent Roman name is tied to fresh beginnings.

Shivan: A Sanskrit name tied to auspiciousness, Shivan refers to the Hindu god Shiva, a symbol of transformation and purity.

Taher: The Arabic name meaning virtuous and pure packs a punch.  

Vimal: This Sanskrit name means "clean" or "pure," making it a deeply meaningful choice for your little one.

Zakai: A Hebrew name meaning "pure" or "innocent," Zakai combines a modern sound with with strong spiritual roots.

Gender-Neutral Names That Mean Pure

Halo: This celestial name symbolizes an angelic ring of light. (You may also like these names meaning star!)

Kasen: A modern name with Scandinavian roots, Kasen is said to mean "pure" or "chaste," offering a sleek and stylish option for your baby. (For a more well-known alternative, consider Kasey!)

Kato: A simple yet powerful name of African origin, meaning "pure" or "second-born." (See more short baby names!)

Sincere: This virtue name of Latin origin is the embodiment of unadulterated truth!

More Meaningful Baby Names:

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