20 Baby Shower Games Guests Will Be Excited to Play

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Baby showers have evolved over the years—and nowhere is that progress more evident than when it comes to baby shower games. Gone are the days when Mama sat on an overstuffed chair surrounded by every woman she’d ever met while opening onesie after onesie. These days, baby registries are easy to build, baby shower themes are clever and thoughtful, and the age-old tradition of baby shower games has gotten a bit of a facelift.
Baby shower games of days gone by—like measuring the preggo’s belly and guessing how big she was?! Whose terrible idea was that?—have been replaced by new baby shower game ideas that are actually fun for both guests and the mama-to-be. From Baby Bingo to guessing games that will get your guests laughing, here’s a rundown of 20 fun baby shower games that party-goers will actually want to play:
Classic Baby Shower Games
Baby Alphabet Game
Everyone has to come up with a word that has to do with babies for each letter of the alphabet; whomever has the most wins.
Give guests fabric paint or markers and white infant bodysuits so everyone can design an extra-special outfit for Baby. If the baby is a girl, the same can be done with elastic and ribbons to make hair bows.
Thoughts for Baby
Give guests the freedom to write out a word of advice for Mama or kind words for Baby. Or set it up like classic Mad Libs: My name is _____. I have known your mom for ______ years. You are going to love her _____ and the way she ____.
Getting-to-Know-You Baby Shower Games
Not My Baby!
A great ice-breaker. Fellow moms at the shower go around in a circle confessing at least one thing they swore their baby would never do, or that they would never do as a parent… that they were proven wrong about once Baby arrived. (Screen-time, anyone?)
Who Knows Mommy Best?
Starting with “What’s her full name?” and moving on to trickier ones like her shoe size and favorite color, this series of getting-to-know you questions about the mama-to-be are fun for a crowd.
Find the Guest
Each guest receives a list of prompts, including statements like: a guest who’s had a baby in the last year, a guest who works with the mom-to-be, a guest who’s related to the dad. Whomever “finds” the most guests first, wins! This baby shower game will take a little advance planning if you want to personalize it for the group—but it can be a terrific ice-breaker!
What’s In Your Purse
Hand out a list of common “mom” items. Each guest ticks off what’s in her purse, from basics like “keys” and “phone” to random things like “toy cars,” “stain remover,” and “baby wipes.”
Baby Shower Games Based on Other Games
Baby Bingo
Let’s face it: watching Mom-to-be open all those gifts is not the most scintillating spectator sport. To get guests in on the action, set up BINGO boards with items off the mom-to-be’s registry. Guests can check off the items as she opens her presents to win a small prize at the end.
Emoji Pictionary
Make this modern baby shower game easier by using a printable from Etsy. A series of baby-themed phrases are written out in emojis and guests need to guess what they represent.
Baby Charades
Like regular charades, but every prompt on the list to act out must be somewhat related to parenthood. These end up being hilarious.
Baby Word Scramble
Scramble up baby-related terms like “pacifier” and “diaper bag,” and have guests compete to see who can get the most correct, fastest.
Nursery Rhyme Word Fill
Print out classic nursery rhymes with key words missing and have guests compete to see who can most accurately fill in the blanks.
Baby Gear ‘Price is Right’
This name-that-price baby shower game, where guests guess the cost of various baby items, will be especially hilarious when older generations take part. Include a mix of common items, like diapers and wipes, as well as more new-fangled essentials, like breast pumps and bottle warmers.
Trivia Baby Shower Games
Baby Facts Trivia
Even the mommies in the crowd will be stumped by some of these baby-related trivia questions, like the percentage of women who give birth on their due date, the age at which babies cry real tears. Make it multiple choice to keep things simpler.
Celeb Status Baby Shower Game
Print out faces of celebrities and their babies and mix them up on two tables. Break guests into two teams. Each team must match the celebrities with their children and compete for accuracy and time.
Name that Baby
One side of the page has a list of 10 to 20 animals (Bear, Alligator, Butterfly…) and the other side lists the names of their young (Cub, Hatchling, Nymph…). Guests match the adult animal names with the terms used for their babies. Whomever gets the most correct wins a prize!
Guessing Baby Shower Games
Baby Foodie
Blindfold guests and have them taste-test baby foods to see who can best guess the flavors. Stick to fruits and vegetables instead of the weird meat flavors...just to be nice!
Guess the Baby Items
Fill a diaper bag or tote with commonly used baby items (pack of wipes, pacifier in case, folded socks) and blindfold a volunteer. Set a timer for 3 minutes to see how many items she can properly identify by touch.
Mom or Dad?
Guests guess which parent has done or will do certain baby-related actions. Ideas include: Who picked Baby’s name?; Who will be the disciplinarian?; and Who’s likelier to change a poopy diaper? This is a fun one to get Dad in on when he stops by at the end of the shower!
Pregnancy Over/Under Baby Shower Game
A simple game of numbers on the parents-to-be—each guest receives a printout with facts and questions about the parents and has to guess if the number is over or under what’s estimated. Eg: They want two children total; they have four names narrowed down for the baby; and so on.
Final Thoughts on Baby Shower Games
These updated baby shower games are a great way to entertain guests from the first nibble of blue or pink appetizers to the moment the mama of the hour opens the last present. But even if you don’t win a single baby shower game, you’ll win the parents-to-be over when you show up with the gift of sleep! A Happiest Baby Gift card can be used to buy or rent SNOO Smart Sleeper—the only baby bassinet proven to add 1-2 hours of precious ZZZs per night for babies...and their parents!
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