A baby on the way is a great excuse for a party—even if it’s no. 2, 3, 4 (or beyond!). That’s why we love baby sprinkles. And if you’re going through the trouble of putting together a baby bash, you may as well blow it out with memorable details…like a perfectly on-theme baby sprinkle invitation! Whether you’re sending old-school print invites or are blasting the info via text or email, there’s so much cute inspo ahead. (And don’t forget to peep these baby shower invitation picks, too!)

Twinkle Twinkle Baby Sprinkle Invitation

Twinkle twinkle baby sprinkle invitation

Photo & to purchase: Minted

Pay tribute to the star of this shower with a sparkly, shiny baby shower invite.

Donut Baby Sprinkle Invitation

Baby sprinkle invitation with illustration of donut

Image & to purchase: Zazzle

This mouthwatering baby sprinkle invite gets straight to the point!

Ice Cream Baby Sprinkle Invitation

Ice cream themed baby sprinkle invitation

Photo & to purchase: OkieInvitations via Etsy

Want a sweet alternative to a donut motif? This ice-cream-themed baby sprinkle invite will hit the spot. The cherry on top: This design is available as a printable or a digital invite!

Understated Baby Sprinkle Invitation

Minimalist baby sprinkle invitation

Photo & to purchase: Minted

This invite features only the lightest drizzle of color and whimsy—perfect for a sophisticated pal.

Elegant Baby Sprinkle Invitation

Elegant blue baby sprinkle invitation

Image & to purchase: PrettyPaperPixels via Etsy

Not feeling a cutesy baby sprinkle theme? This sophisticated invite sets a more refined tone.

Ain’t Our First Rodeo Baby Sprinkle Invitation

Rodeo themed baby sprinkle invitation

Image & to purchase: BuzzyBeeDesignCompany via Etsy

Yee-haw! Who said your sprinkle had to be all cupcakes and rainbows? This invite is perfect for celebrating the little sib with flair.

Schitt’s Creek Baby Sprinkle Invitation

Schitt's Creek themed baby sprinkle invitation

Image & to purchase: PhotoshopMatt via Etsy

There’s nothing to say, “Ew, David!” about with these invites—they’re the perfect way to honor your fave Schitt’s Creek fan and their bébé to be! (Here’ s another version to check out!)

Baby Sprinkle Invitation Inserts

Baby Sprinkle Invitation Diaper Raffle Insert

Baby sprinkle invitation with diaper raffle ticket insert

Image & to purchase: Minted

Even if the parent-of-the-hour has every innovative baby gadget on the market and a closet brimming with cute hand-me-downs, they’ll still need diapers! (Get more diaper raffle inspiration!)

Rainbow Baby Sprinkle Diaper Raffle Insert

Rainbow-themed diaper raffle ticket

Image & to purchase: Minted

Here’s a colorful twist on the diaper raffle ticket—pair it with your baby sprinkle invite of choice!

Baby Sprinkle Invitation Book Request Insert

Baby sprinkle invitation insert

Image & to purchase: Minted

Another appreciated off-the-registry request: books with a sentimental message inside!

Baby Sprinkle Invitation Wish Request Insert

Donut baby sprinkle invitation insert

Image & to purchase: Minted

And if the sprinkle recipient would really like to minimize material gifts, use your baby sprinkle invite to collect sweet wishes for Baby.

Donut Baby Sprinkle Invitation Inserts

Donut themed baby sprinkle invite with diaper raffle and book request inserts

Image & to purchase: Creative Union Design via Etsy

This sweet suite of products lets hosts insert a call for books, a call for diapers…or both!

Virtual Baby Sprinkle Invitations

Sunny With a Chance of Sprinkles Virtual Invitation

Sunny with a chance of baby sprinkles invitation

Image & to purchase: Evite

Honor the little ray of light with this cheerful virtual card.

Hedgehog Virtual Baby Sprinkle Invitation

Hedgehog themed virtual baby sprinkle invitation

Image & to purchase: Paperless Post

We can’t imagine anyone being able to open this cute virtual baby sprinkle invitation without saying “aww!”

Donut Virtual Baby Sprinkle Invitation

Donut themed virtual baby sprinkle invitation

Image & to customize: evite

You can execute a donut-themed sprinkle without an IRL invite!

Forecast Baby Sprinkle Invitation

Forecast themed virtual baby sprinkle invitation

Image & to customize: Paperless Post

Clouds in the weather report would be welcome if they usher in an invitation design as cute as this one!

Text Message Baby Sprinkle Invitation

Baby sprinkle text invitation that uses a close-up photo of sugar sprinkles

Image & to purchase: celebrationvibez via Etsy

This text baby sprinkle invitation looks good enough to eat!

More Baby Shower Inspiration:

View more posts tagged, baby shower

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