Baby Showers: Your All-Fun, Zero-Stress Guide

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Whether you’re planning a baby shower, attending a baby shower, or getting feted with a baby shower, you're in the right place! We’ve got all the baby shower ideas and advice you could possibly need right here, including unique baby shower themes, fun baby shower games, baby shower gift ideas…and everything in between!
What is a baby shower?
A baby shower is a celebration of the impending arrival of a new baby. This type of party is meant to “shower” the new parents with love, good wishes, advice…and every little thing that they may need (and then some) for their new arrival. (Translation: There will be presents!)
Who pays for and gives a baby shower?
Back in the day it was considered gauche for a close family member to host a baby shower. That’s no longer the case! Today, the default baby shower host is often one of the future grandmas or aunts or a close friend of the mom-to-be. Of course, due to any number of circumstances, the host can be virtually anyone of any gender or relation…including the parents-to-be themselves! As far as who-pays-for-what, here’s how it often shakes out:
In most cases, whomever hosts the baby shower foots the bill.
A close relative of the expectant parents, who’s not officially hosting, may contribute financially as well.
If a group is hosting the baby shower, the cost is often divided appropriately.
If the baby shower is at a restaurant or cafe, it is possible to do a pay-for-yourself celebration where guests pony up for their own food and drink—and the hosts handle the cake, paper goods, decorations, favors, and more. (If guests are expected to contribute in any way, the invite needs to clearly state as much.)
What do you do at a baby shower?
Baby showers are parties! So, expect a fun celebration complete with yummy food and drinks, shower games, gift-giving, and often activities, like decorating bodysuits, filling out advice cards, or leaving personal notes in curated children’s books.
What should you not do at a baby shower?
Generally speaking, surprise parties are fabulous…just not surprise baby showers! Do not surprise the parents-to-be with a shower. Another don’t: Baby shower games that are embarrassing and, quite frankly, rude. For example, don’t measure the guest-of-honor’s belly and have partygoers guess its size! (Cringe!) In fact, it’s best to have the showeree approve any and all baby shower games.
Who can attend a baby shower?
Close friends, immediate family, and the immediate family of your partner are always top priority shower guests. But that does not mean the guest list needs to be capped there! Depending on the size of the venue, the budget—and the parent-to-be’s wishes—anyone the expectant parents feel close can attend a baby shower. That, of course, doesn’t mean you can make assumptions about who’s welcome. For example, just because you received a baby shower invitation does not mean your toddler or your partner are invited! (Always check if you’re unsure.) PS: If the expectant parents are being treated to more than one shower, the guest lists shouldn’t overlap. If, however, there are some samesies, those guests are not expected to bring two gifts.
Do you open gifts at a baby shower?
Many baby shower guests look forward to watching—and oohing and ahhing—as mom-to-be rips open piles of pretty packages stuffed with sweet, sentimental, and sensible gifts. Oftentimes, shower guests enjoy their dessert during the present opening and/or play Baby Bingo at the same time. (Each guest gets a bingo card filled with items the parent-to-be registered for. As those items are opened, guests X them out of the bingo card and the winner gets a prize.) If, however, the honoree extremely awkward opening gifts in front of a group or there is an exorbitant amount of presents to go through, opening gifts at home is always an option.
What month and time do you give baby showers?
Unlike weddings, there is no baby shower season. However, since September is the most popular birth month, a lot of baby showers likely occur over the summer months. The reason? It’s best to have the baby shower at least four to six weeks before Baby’s arrival. This way, parents-to-be have enough time to borrow or buy anything they may still need before the bundle of joy arrives. The exception: Since twins, triplets, and other multiples tend to come early, it may be wise to throw the baby shower late in the second trimester or earlier in the third trimester.
As far as the typical time and length of a baby shower, that’s up for debate! Traditionally, baby showers have been luncheons, but today a baby shower can be a brunch, lunch, a mocktail hour, even a dinner party. It’s entirely up to the host and the parents-to-be. No matter, the party usually lasts for up to three hours.
Baby Shower Ideas & Baby Shower Info
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Baby Shower Decorations & Baby Shower Themes
Coming up with the best baby shower theme and cute baby shower decorations to compliment your theme may very well be the most exciting part of baby shower planning! For modern baby shower theme ideas, keep reading!
Baby Shower Food & Drink
Is it even a party without delicious food and beverages? For the ultimate baby shower experience, the nibbles and sips need to be on point. Here are some tasty ideas for baby shower food and drinks.
Baby Shower Favors & Baby Shower Games
While baby shower favors and baby shower games are not a must, they sure are fun! Pondering what your party should entail? Check out these ideas:
Baby Shower Invites & Cards
No matter if you’re sending baby shower invites, signing a baby shower card, or sending out baby shower thank-yous, we’ve got the words for you!
Baby Shower Alternatives
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Baby Shower Registry
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