Posts tagged
31 Weeks Pregnant: The 3rd Trimester Glow…Before the Groans
It’s starting to get a little snug inside your belly.
35 Weeks Pregnant: What’s That Ouch Down There?
Your little one is packing on the pounds now!
30 Weeks Pregnant: Ways to Help That Back Pain
Things are starting to get tight in there for your little one!
34 Weeks Pregnant: A Guide to Your Discharge
Your baby is sleeping, sucking and slurping...and you might even see them kicking in your belly!
29 Weeks Pregnant: Where'd I Leave My Keys?
Your baby's brain is developing neural connections!
33 Weeks Pregnant: Oy! Breathlessness + Heartburn
Your baby's immune system has matured plenty and they're readying their lungs for their big debut.