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27 Weeks Pregnant: Buh-Bye 2nd Trimester!
Do you feel some bubbly, fluttery feelings in your belly? That may be your baby hiccuping!
26 Weeks Pregnant: Learn the Signs of Preeclampsia
About 10% of women develop this in the later months of pregnancy.
25 Weeks Pregnant: Breathing for Two
Eyes, nose, fingers and toes: By week 25, they’re all formed!
24 Weeks Pregnant: Sexy Dreams, Strange Dreams
Many women start having strange dreams—and vivid sexual dreams.
23 Weeks Pregnant: Gestational Diabetes Explained
Eating healthy during your pregnancy has lots of benefits for you...and your baby!
22 Weeks Pregnant: Have You Popped Yet?
In your belly, your baby is snoozing a whopping 12 to 14 hours per day!