SNOO Has Been a 'Godsend' for This Busy Military Family

When Izza Hernandez found out she was pregnant, she was living in Houston, Texas, surrounded by her family. Then, her husband Thomas, a member of the Marine Corps, got orders to transfer to the small town of Buford, South Carolina.
Being stationed in Buford, South Carolina came with challenges for the Hernandez family.
"I didn't have the same opportunities as moms in a bigger city,” Izza says.There were no baby yoga classes, mommy-and-me classes, or infant massage classes nearby—all of which were easy-to-find in Houston.
In addition to being far from extended family, Izza had to navigate Thomas' demanding work schedule. He was juggling two jobs, which meant he was routinely gone from 7 in the morning until 11 in the evening.
Small-town life combined with military life could feel isolating. Izza went to all her doctor's appointments by herself, and sometimes found herself crying because she wanted to "share the excitement of being a new mom" but was alone in the experience, while Thomas worked and her family was far away.
Fortunately, once the baby arrived, Izza had an extra set of hands around the house…her SNOO!
Thomas described SNOO as “a godsend for Izza” with his work schedule. And Izza agrees.
"My daughter sleeps 10 to 11 hours a night," she says. "My husband is always away, but I put her in SNOO and I'm not deprived of sleep anymore."
With Thomas stretched so thin with work, he has a special appreciation for sleep. When their daughter is in SNOO, she sleeps through the night, which allows Mom and Dad to get some much-needed shut-eye as well.
By the time Thomas gets home, his daughter is usually sound asleep in SNOO. Rather than spending the night rocking and shushing their daughter to get her to calm, the couple says they have time to "converse, share a drink, watch a movie, continue to have a relationship… it definitely helps us with our sanity."
Thank you for your service, and for sharing your story, Thomas and Izza!
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